Detecting text produced by an LLM

(AI, ML and if statements )

LLM’s (large language models) can generate very convincing text, but this text can easily be detected using a not quite so large language model. The easiest way to do this is by looking at the perplexity of the text. This is a number that expresses how good a model (like GPT2) is at predicting a given sample of text. Perplexity is mostly used for measuring how good LLM’s are, but LLM generated texts have a consistently lower perplexity (easier to predict) than text written by a human. This is because generation is simply a process of repeatedly choosing the word predicted to be most likely by the LLM.

This works even if a different LLM was used for generation then detection, so you can use the smaller and publicly available GPT2 to detect generations from GPT3 (the base of Chat-GPT). We can use the huggingface transformers library to get a minimal gpt2 model and text tokenizer (A function that converts text into tokens, roughly equivalent to words, and tokens back to text).

import torch
from tqdm import tqdm
from transformers import GPT2LMHeadModel, GPT2TokenizerFast

device = 'cpu'

model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained("distilgpt2")
tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained("distilgpt2")

Here are two paragraph of text, one written by a human, and one by Open AI’s Chat-GPT demo:

human = """
NFC smart cards are commonly used for a wide variety of applications including contactless payments, building access control, and 2 factor authentication. These smart cards have no power source, yet are capable
of bidirectional communication, storing data, and performing cryptographic operations. In each of these cards is a circuit straight out of the 1900s: The crystal radio.
Most of the card is taken up by a flat coil, which can often be seen if the card is held up to a bright light. Another component you can easily see this way is a capacitor, it looks like a large (usually square) opaque region. The capacitor is placed in parallel with the coil, forming a parallel tuned circuit (resonant at 13.56 MHz), similar to a crystal radio.

gpt = """
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a type of wireless communication that allows two electronic devices to communicate with each other over short distances. It uses electromagnetic induction to establish a wireless link between two devices by bringing them close together. In NFC, a transmitter sends out a weak radio frequency signal that can be picked up by a receiver. The receiver then converts this signal into data, which can be used to perform various functions such as data exchange, contactless payments, and access control.

To compute perplexity, first extract sequences of tokens (chunks of text somewhat equivalent to words) along with the token that follows the sequence.

def perplexity(encodings, model, stride=5, max_length=None):
    The stride paramteter controls how freqently pedictions are made and compaired with the text.
    Higher values are faster but less acurate.
    max_length = max_length or model.config.n_positions
    seq_len = encodings.input_ids.size(1)

    nlls = []
    prev_end_loc = 0
    for begin_loc in tqdm(range(0, seq_len, stride)):
        end_loc = min(begin_loc + max_length, seq_len)
        input_ids = encodings.input_ids[:, begin_loc:end_loc].to(device)

Now generate the target, padding with -100 placeholder tokens.

        trg_len = end_loc - prev_end_loc  # may be different from stride on last loop
        target_ids = input_ids.clone()
        target_ids[:, :-trg_len] = -100

Run the model to get the loss function.

        with torch.no_grad():
            outputs = model(input_ids, labels=target_ids)

            # loss for GPT2 is CrossEntropyLoss which averages over input tokens.
            # Multiply it with trg_len to get the summation instead of average.
            neg_log_likelihood = outputs.loss * trg_len


        prev_end_loc = end_loc
        if end_loc == seq_len:

Finally, compute the over all perplexity:

    return torch.exp(torch.stack(nlls).sum() / end_loc)

Testing it:

def get_score(text):
    encodings = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
    return perplexity(encodings,model, max_length=20)


The human text gets a perplexity rating of 59.4741, while the GPT generated text gets 18.4398.