List page: 3d

Making a 3d renderer from scratch [part 3]

Currently the render works quite nicely, but calling it 3d is a bit of a stretch. While does provide a first person viewpoint, the entire map is a the same height. Games with this limitation were, like Wolfenstein 3D, were released and did quite well, but modern audiences want a bit more 3d in their 3d. The one thing that could really sell this as a 3d renderer would be allowing different wall and ceiling heights, where each room can have different floors and ceiling heights. (Computer programming) (3d)

Making a 3d render from scratch (part 2)

The last renderer worked fine but had 2 major problems, the most apparent is that it can only handle convex geometry, in other works, no walls can overlap on screen. Another problem is performance, it draws every single wall, regardless of if it is visible or not, resulting in a lot of wasted work (overdraw). A simple way to solve both at the same time is using portal rendering. The map is split up into convex sections (I call these rooms), which can be rendered as is, rooms can have also portals that link to another section. (Computer programming) (3d)

Making a 3d render from scratch [part 1]

This series will go over the functioning of a simple Doom style 3d software renderer intended for a first person game. A renderer needs something to actually render, lets start by placing a wall in the game world, representing it as 2 points in 2d space. (don’t worry, it will be 3d soon.) If this is just drawn as a line on screen, the result looks like this: Triple A graphics right? (Computer programming) (3d)